888-318-7691 sales@deltaoi.com


Mailing Address:
Delta Optical Instruments Inc.
PO Box 94929
North Little Rock, AR 72190
Shipping Address:
Delta Optical Instruments Inc.
3126 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
North Little Rock, AR 72116

Contact Our Team:
Kevin Charton, President: kevin@deltaoi.com, Business Development and Sales Management: extension 701

Robin Murphy: robin@deltaoi.com, Sales and Camera Imaging: extension 702

Brent Gourley: brent@deltaoi.com, Repairs and Field Service Management: extension 703

Wes Klasky: wes@deltaoi.com, Sales: extension 707

Danny Elliott: danny@deltaoi.com, Field Service and Repair Technician, Shipping Manager

Zach Wilson: zach@deltaoi.com, Field Service and Repair Technician

Microscope Sales

8 + 4 =

Sales and Camera Imaging

14 + 6 =

Repairs and On-Site Service

2 + 10 =